These pigs are raised and rotated on pasture and fed free choice, locally milled, non-medicated conventional feed. No hormones, steroids, or antibiotics. Truly pasture raised pork with high flavor profile.
4 per pack, approx. 1/2" thick
5-7 lb. roast
5-6 lbs
0.5-2 lbs. per pack
1 lb.
2-4 per pack
3 links - 1 lb.
1 roast per package
1 roast per pack
10 lb. box
1 lb
4 links-1lb.
1 rack per pack
5-6 tails per pack
10 lbs. Assorted Meats
1 per pack
Variety of Pasture Raised Meats
1-3 lbs
2-4 lb. slab
2 per pack, 2" thick
1-2 lbs
2-6 per pack
10-40 lbs